“Aligning what you say and what you do is critical – you never know who is watching.”
This six-month executive development program involves weekly sessions, feedback meetings
Over the course of this six-month program, participants will be practicing behavioral skills, receiving feedback and working on a professional action plan and aimed at enhancing performance in four key areas of executive performance:
- Team Management
- Formal and Informal Communication Skills
- Strategic Planning
- Personal Development
“Walk the Walk – Talk the Talk” Workshop
Mission – Vision – Values
Group exercise to gain a baseline of what each of these corporate statements means to each participant.
Are there divergent viewpoints?
Getting on the same page
Leadership & Followership – The Importance of Balance
Group discussion on these principles and how effective leaders incorporate them.
How balancing leadership and followership impacts team performance and group energy.
Discussion of feedback from individual interviews with:
Current Employees
New Hires
Former Employees
Length of Program
1-2 day workshop
Feedback collection and synthesis (# TBD) 4-6 weeks
More clarified cultural objectives
More consistent understanding of stated corporate values and desired organizational behavior.
Enhanced recruitment and talent retention.
Helping You Succeed.

Workplace Relationships, LLC
356 Long Ridge Lane, Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-241-2888
Copyright ® 2019. Workplace Relationships, LLC. All rights reserved.
Website by Worthy Marketing Group